The nominee must:

1. Be a resident of St. Joseph County, Michigan, and have provided voluntary, exemplary service or care to animals from St. Joseph County that could be considered "above the norm".  If nominee provided care to animals from other areas of the state, at least 50% of the service or care must have been provided within St. Joseph County, Michigan.

2. Not have received this award within the last three years

3. Not be a for-profit animal caregiver or employee of such a caregiver, or a veterinarian or member of a veterinary staff, unless the service or care was provided externally to the business and was done without profit or compensation.

4. Not be a member of the Animal Rescue Fund or of the member's immediate family.

5. Be nominated by someone using the "Application for Recognition of Service to Animals Award" by the cutoff date.
If you wish to fill out the form on-line, go here.  If you would like to print out a form to mail in, go here.

Applications will be submitted to a committee established by the Animal Rescue Fund, and decisions of this committee will be final.

Applications must be received by April 22, 2019.

If a nominee is not chosen for the current award, he/she may be renominated the following year.

If chosen to receive the award, the recipient should make every effort to attend the awards ceremony. Dinner tickets will be provided to the recipient and spouse.

For more information, please contact any ARF member on our Contact Us page.