The Animal Rescue Fund was created as a way of raising funds for animal care in St. Joseph County, Michigan. We are a registered charity organization, so donations are tax-deductable.
Our meetings are normally held at 7:00 on the second Monday of the month at the Intermediate School District building on Shimmel Road, in front of Glen Oaks College in Centreville. One exception is our XMAS party/meeting in December.
We are always seeking new faces to help with our fundraising efforts in St. Joseph County. If you are interested in the welfare of our county animals and would like to participate in our organization, please contact any ARF member (officers are listed on our "Contact Us" page) for more information, or just come to a meeting. We would love to have you join our efforts.
Some of the things we do:
>Help pay for spay and neuter operations for those who cannot afford
the total cost of the operation.
For information on spay/neuter assistance, please call
(269) 718-3775 for dogs, or (269) 718-3826 for cats
(may have to leave a message), or visit one
of the following veterinary offices in St. Joseph County:
Crossroads Veterinary Clinic in Three Rivers
Sturgis Veterinary Hospital in Sturgis
Lake Area Veterinaty Group in Sturgis
Fawn River Animal Clinic in Sturgis
Dr. Luegge in Sturgis
Hedges Veterinary in Three Rivers
>Provide straw or dog/cat food to those faced
with financial emergencies. We ask for a donation for the
straw, but will provide it free to those who cannot afford a donation.
>Provide emergency medical assistance to animals injured by
cars or other animals that have no known owner.
>Provide assistance to private animal shelters in our county
>Provide free space on our adoption page for pets looking for a new home

To be recognized as a caring and responsive animal support volunteer fundraising organization
within the communities of St. Joseph County, Michigan.
To serve and protect with compassion the animals of St. Joseph County through public education, physical assistance programs and monetary support of facilities and programs directed toward recognized animal needs.
>Create and sustain a well-funded and publicized spay/neuter program
>Create and sustain a free pet assistance and food distribution program to county families in need
>Support a lateral transfer program to transport animals to no-kill organizations in the state
>Support the county animal control facility with appropriate resources when required and available
>Provide monetary and other appropriate support to recognized private animal rescue organizations in the county
>Create and sustain an education program focused on communicating appropriate animal care information to community schools
>Support the rescue, treatment and placing of animals with no known owners that are in need of immediate aid or protection
>Identify, plan and conduct appropriate fundraising events throughout the year to achieve the mission of the organization
>Insure the viability and sustainability of the organization to enable on-going achievment of our mission