Considering membership in the Animal Rescue Fund? We are always looking for fresh faces to help us in our fundraising efforts!
Other than attending meetings once a month, nearly all of the volunteer time donated by members (other than officers) is spent helping out at fundraisers and other events around the county.
Our meetings are held at 7:00pm on the second Monday of the month at the ISD building on Shimmel Rd. in Centreville (in front of Glen Oaks College). The exception to this are the months of June, July and August, when the ISD building is closed for the summer. During those times, we seek alternate locations to meet.
Our fundraising events are listed down the left side of our Home Page, and are listed as a link to the Events/Fundraising page to provide information about each event as it comes up. The only event listed there that is not actually a fundraiser is the Adoptathon.
In addition, we participate in other events, such as a booth at the Earth Day Celebration, a booth at the St. Joseph County Fair, and most of the parades around the county in the summertime.
Joining ARF is really "hard". You have to attend a meeting. Our requirements for maintaining membership include attending at least one meeting and one event a year and donating a bag of pet food during the month of your birthday.
If you would like more information, please contact any officer on our
If you are interested in joing us, you can print out our new member information sheet and bring it with you to our next meeting. Click on the following link to print out the form:
We hope to see you at our next meeting!